What is CPDT-KA certification?

CPDT-KA stands for Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed. This certification signifies that:

  • My experience and expertise in science-based dog training has been rigorously evaluated by an independent third party.

  • I am committed to continuously enhancing my skills and knowledge through approved continuing education programs. These programs are carefully vetted for their quality and relevance.

  • I adhere to a strict code of excellence, ensuring that I uphold high standards in all aspects of my practice. Failure to meet these standards can result in the revocation of my certification.

Why is this master course important?

Many dog training certification programs only scratch the surface when it comes to aggression, if they cover it at all. Why? Because addressing aggression requires specialized skills and knowledge that go beyond the basics of dog training. Completing this course certifies that:

  • I have undergone extensive study in reactivity, human-directed aggression, dog-directed aggression, and resource guarding.

  • I take a holistic approach that considers each dog's overall health and lifestyle.

  • I am knowledgeable about behavior medications and can collaborate effectively with veterinarians and veterinary behaviorists to achieve better outcomes.

  • I understand the emotional toll that supporting a dog with aggression can take and am equipped to provide ongoing support and guidance to my clients beyond the training plan.