• What vaccinations do you require?

    I require Rabies, Distemper/Parvo (DHPP, DHLPP), and Bordatella.

    Does my dog need to be spayed/neutered?

    No. I accept dogs who are intact.

    How long does it take to see results?

    I wish there was a neat and tidy answer to this question, but there isn’t. The complexity of your particular case determines how quickly we can address the core issues contributing to your dog’s undesirable behaviors, hyper-arousal, or reactivity.

    What we can do is quickly get some key management systems in place to take pressure off your immediate situation. No one likes to learn under the gun, so our first step is to always provide some fast stress relief for you and your dog.

    Can you guarantee results?

    No, but I can guarantee you my best effort. Each family’s situation is unique, and each dog is unique. There are many factors at play, such as your dog’s genetics, your dog’s previous learning history, and demands on your time, that are beyond my control. I do not feel it’s ethical to make any guarantees in dog training, and I would be very wary of any trainer that offers you one.

    Do I need to bring treats to lessons?

    Yes! Bring 2-3 high value treat options, such as hot dogs or string cheese, to your lessons. Treats should be cut into very small pieces, and pack WAY MORE than you think you’ll need.

  • Have you ever lost a dog?

    No, and I don’t intend to start.

    In case of emergency, how do you transport dogs in your car?

    All dogs are transported in Ruff Land Kennels. These crates are renowned for their safety and stability.

    What kind of safety equipment do you carry?
    I always carry human and canine first aide kits, deterrent sprays for off leash dogs, and extra water.

  • What is your style of training?

    I’m what’s called a “crossover trainer.” In the past, I was trained to use “balanced training” methods, but today, I’m proud to practice exclusively positive reinforcement-based training methods.

    As my skills and knowledge grew, I found that I no longer needed aversive tools to achieve the same goals. It’s my experience that positive reinforcement-based techniques work faster and on a deeper level creating the most impactful and lasting results.

    What kind of tools do you use?

    I use crates, harnesses, very wide flat collars, clip leashes, long lines, drag lines, muzzles, dog cots, and clickers. If your dog is an escape artist or extremely fearful, I use a back-up slip collar (meaning the slip only engages if your dog gets out of their primary harness or flat collar) for safety. For rewards, I use food, toys, physical affection, and verbal praise.

    I do not use prong collars or e-collars.

    In case of emergency, I carry Spray Shield (a citronella spray, which most dogs find aversive). This can deter off-leash dogs and is powerful enough to interrupt a dog fight. So far, I’ve never needed it.

  • Do you offer payment plans?

    Not at this time.

    What is your cancellation policy?

    All deposits are nonrefundable.

    Virtual Consults, Virtual Lessons, and Private Lessons require 48 hours notice to reschedule. If you cancel within 48 hours, you will forfeit the full cost of the session.

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